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Selectmen's Minutes October 7, 1997
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes - October 7, 1997

Selectmen Present:  Judy Murdoch, Catherine Kuchinski, Daniel Webster, Peter Jones, Joseph Nugent, Executive Secretary.  (Chairman Charles Flynn arrived late during executive session Peter Jones will acted as Chairman)

I       Acting Chairman, Peter Jones called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM by announcing the Chairman will be late.  First order of business - one day liquor license for a wedding on Saturday October 18, 1997 at Camp Kiwanee from 6:00 pm -12:00 am .  Motion by Kuchinski to approve the One Day Liquor License, second by Murdoch 4-0 vote.  Motion Carries.

II.     Renewal License to operate a Limousine Business.  Motion to approve and sign application of Robert Nickerson of 12  East Washington Street to operate a limousine business through 12/31/97  by Murdoch, second by Webster 4-0 vote.  Motion Carries.

III.    Hanson Housing Authority Grant Contract to be signed by the Selectmen.  Nugent explained the Housing Authority Grant. This is the 3rd year the Housing Authority has received this Grant.  Motion by Kuchinski to Authorize the Chairman to sign the Grant Contract and to also Thank the Housing Authority for its efforts, second by Murdoch.  4-0 Vote.  Motion Carries

IV.     Jones announced the upcoming Selectmen’s Association  Meeting on the 30th.  The Selectmen should contact the office to make reservations for the Meeting.

V.      Request for appointment - Lisa Rose, Recreation Committee to expire 6/30/00.  Motion by Kuchinski to appoint, second by Murdoch.  4-0 Vote.  Motion Carries.

VI.     Jones thanked those citizens who attended the October Town Meeting last night.  Murdoch suggested the Board recognize the issue of a quorum being present for the Town Meeting.  Consider a question be on next warrant to do away with the quorum.

VII.    Action Requests: Kuchinski requested information on the Surplus Property List.  Kuchinski would like to commend the MBTA but would like to know the status on the grade crossings and sidewalks.  Jones requested the MBTA along with the Police Department  come before the Selectmen to update the citizens on the status some time in November.

VIII.   Hearing notice was read for a Joint Pole Location on County Road which would be necessary for riser for customer’s new service.  Hearing notice was also read for a Joint Pole Location on County Road which is necessary for service to a new home. Jones would like Eastern Utilities to provide the Selectmen with a date for removal along with the request for the location.  Motion by Kuchinski to approve and sign the necessary paperwork  and close the hearing along with sending a letter asking Eastern Utilities to provide the Selectmen with a date of removal, second by Murdoch.  4-0 Vote Motion Carries.

IX.     Peggy Kitchenham, Director of Hanson Housing Authority was available to join the meeting for a few minutes to explain the Grant that was previously signed.  She also explained the status of the waiting lists.  She explained there are about 10 people currently waiting for elderly housing while, the LZ Thomas housing list is currently closed.  The Housing Authority simply does not have the staff to process all of the applications that would be coming in.

X.      Executive Secretary Report:  
Nugent asked the Board if they would sign the Fire Chief’s Contract.  Jones suggested the Board wait until their next meeting .  The Board agreed to put it on the Agenda for the 21st of October.  Nugent also announced the free cash figure for the Town - $450,342
Nugent requested an Executive Session under exceptions 3 and 6.   

XI.     8:25 pm Motion to move into Executive Session under #6  for discussion of Plymouth County Real Estate & #3 for contract strategies for unions by Murdoch, second by Webster.  Roll call vote.  Murdoch,aye; Kuchinski,aye; Webster, aye; Jones, aye. Motion Carries. The Board does not expect any votes during the Executive Session.  

XII.   Adjournment:  Motion by Murdoch to adjourn, second by Webster.  Meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm.  Motion carried.